
ClariFix and Postnasal Drip: The Complete Guide

A runny nose and postnasal drip can make your life miserable. Carrying tissues with you everywhere you go, constantly blowing your nose, people looking at you like you have the plague: it's not anyone's idea of a good time! But…

how to get taste back after sinus infection

How To Get Your Taste Back After a Sinus Infection

You've been dealing with a nasty sinus infection for a few days. It's a little annoying, but you're pushing through. Then it happens. You've been looking forward to your favorite lasagna all week. You sit down to the special meal…

why does my throat burn

7 Reasons Your Throat Is Burning (Plus When To Call a Doctor)

Maybe the burn in your throat came on gradually, or maybe it appeared out of nowhere. Regardless of how it began, feeling like your throat is on fire is no fun for anyone. But what could cause a burning sensation…

inverted papilloma

Inverted Papilloma: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Some health conditions are so rare that most people have never even heard of them. But when you're diagnosed with one of these conditions, you find yourself wanting as much information as possible! It's likely you'd never heard of an…

ent symptoms

Ask a Surgeon: What ENT Symptoms Shouldn’t I Ignore?

We've all done it. You have an unusual symptom that you've never experienced before. You ask a spouse or a friend what they think. Ultimately, you pick up your phone and turn to the one friend who always has your…

inspire sleep

What Is Inspire for Sleep Apnea — Top Questions Answered

A continuous positive airway pressure machine (more commonly known as a CPAP machine) can seem like a dream come true at first. No more will you have to deal with the restless nights, the lack of REM sleep, and the…

is a sinus infection contagious

How To Avoid Spreading Your Contagious Sinus Infection

The old adage, "sharing is caring," doesn't apply to illnesses. But with over 30 million Americans diagnosed with sinus infections every year, how can we be sure we aren't spreading this particular ailment to those around us? Should we to…


6 Sinus Infection Home Remedies Recommended by a Doctor

You probably don't give too much thought to your ability to breathe through your nose — until you wake up with a sinus infection and that ability is gone! Sinus infections, sometimes called acute sinusitis, can steal your joy pretty…


How To Stop Snoring: A Doctor’s Comprehensive Guide

If you're a chronic snorer, you’re probably used to ribbing from your spouse about how long they had to listen to your snores at night. You might have even earned an endearing nickname — like Tyranno-SNORE-us Rex. In our ENT…


Nasal Polyps: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

If you’re an allergy sufferer, you probably know the feeling of waking up with nasal blockage on a regular basis. You’re no stranger to complaints about your snoring, and you dread the spring and summer because of all the hay…


Does A Balloon Sinuplasty Hurt? What You Need to Know

Sinus problems leave you feeling miserable. Chronic sinus issues like infections, pain, pressure, and headaches seem inescapable with any type of allergy or irritation. But why do some people seem to experience these symptoms regularly while others only rarely struggle…


When to Worry (And Not Worry) About Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds seem to come at the worst times. No one wants to bleed — especially in public. And when a nosebleed strikes, it can be frustrating to manage. Maybe your nice dinner is abruptly interrupted with a nosebleed. You can’t…


When to Worry About Your Lingering Sinus Infection

Sinus infections have a way of making time stand still… in a bad way. When you’re constantly congested, battling headaches, and feeling sinus pressure, even a short duration of sickness can feel like it’s never going to end. What if…


Chronic Runny Nose: At What Point Should You Worry?

You shouldn’t have to deal with a constantly runny nose. Sure, it’s a minor inconvenience compared to other health issues. But when the snot won’t stop, a chronic runny nose can be extremely frustrating. You constantly have to sniff in,…


How to Tell if Your Tooth Extraction is Causing Your Sinus Problem

Recovering from a tooth extraction is quite a process. You have to carefully navigate what to eat, how to drink, and how much activity you should do as you allow your body to heal. But you also may need to…

balloon sinuplasty cost with insurance

What Does a Balloon Sinuplasty Cost With & Without Insurance?

At ENT Associates of Lubbock, we never rush a surgical procedure. If you’re at the point of needing a balloon sinuplasty, it implies your ENT has maximized medication treatment options. At this point, the alternative treatment options are worse than…

nasal airway obstruction

Trouble Breathing Through Your Nose? It could be Nasal Airway Obstruction

Trouble breathing through your nose? When our patients come in with this complaint, they’re likely dealing with a blockage in the nose, also known as nasal airway obstruction. This blockage prevents air from flowing smoothly through the nose. Nasal blockage…

septoplasty and rhinoplasty together

Ask a Surgeon: Should I Get Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty Together?

Some things work better in pairs: Peanut Butter and JellyWoody and BuzzR2-D2 and C-3POMario and LuigiMac and CheeseFred and George Weasley But what about Septoplasty and Rhinoplasty?  In many cases, yes! Septoplasty and rhinoplasty can complement each other extremely well. Septoplasty…

How Does a Balloon Sinuplasty Work? Your Top Questions Answered

You’ve had one sinus infection too many. In fact, you’ve probably had 10 sinus infections too many. You’re considering balloon sinuplasty as a treatment option, but you still have a few questions.  For one, does balloon sinuplasty actually work?  Yes. …

Nasal Valve Collapse: Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery

Could you have nasal valve collapse and not realize it?  A nasal valve is essentially the nostril, or the outside part of the nose. Sniff in and look for a ‘collapse’ of those external walls of the nose — that’s…

What You Need to Know About Balloon Sinuplasty: Risks, Recovery & Side Effects

Sinus issues are the last problem you want to worry about these days. You have infections that won’t go away (or keep coming back!) and it’s interrupting your life. You’ve tried allergy medications, antibiotics, and pain relievers, but nothing seems…


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